but what i don't get is why rabbis are standing on the side of the road throwing stars of david at you. but it was fun hitting the troopers was the funniest part. keep at work person that i don't know.
but what i don't get is why rabbis are standing on the side of the road throwing stars of david at you. but it was fun hitting the troopers was the funniest part. keep at work person that i don't know.
i remember blamming a simmalr sound board with the same name a few weeks ago. if we didn't like the frist one odds are we arn't going to like this one to. so stop makeing these. ok.
What? I didn't make that last one.
scene creators don't cut it on newgrounds. they just arn't good enough. beleve me. i've blammed 2 scene creators before this go with something else.
the music was so annoying. the games were stupid and impossible to win. id rather hit my head agenst a concrete wall than play this.
well go do it and learn to turn the music down.
all you need to do is hold the down key and you win. needs to be HARDER.
yay!!!!!! pac man
wither you like games or not pac man is always fun (from my perspective anyway) its basicly like the origanal game wich was awsome so this game was awsome too
it was hard!!!
even on easy it was too hard to beat come on it was so hard it sucked
it was...ok
it wasn't bad but i think it could have been better if eddie could face left. but that is just me
Hey You, Get me a Muffin
Age 32
Joined on 6/25/06